Information for places in the Mekong delta

Here you will find detailed information on many sites and attractions in the Mekong delta.

For nature lovers and for those who want to escape the tourist crowds, we have some special travel tips (e.g. the bird sanctuary Bang Lang, the U Minh forest in Ca Mau or the beautiful towns of Sa Dec and Ben Tre).

Bac Lieu - Provincial capital

Bac Lieu

The city Bac Lieu is quite popular with Vietnamese tourists and has a lot to offer: buildings from the French colonial time, the ruin tower of Vinh Hung (the only Khmer relic from the Angkor period), a bird sanctuary, shrimp farms etc. Read more …

Bang Lang - Bird sanctuary

Bang Lang

The bird sanctuary Bang Lang is located near Long Xuyen and also easy to get to on a day trip from Can Tho. A viewing platform offers great opportunities to observe the big birds. Read more …

Ben Tre - Coconut metropolis

Ben Tre

Ben Tre impresses with its lush, tropical flora and narrow, shady canals. It is known for its coconut candy, the coconut-monk temple, the bird sanctuary Vam Ho and the local Buddhist center Vien Minh. Read more …

Cai Be - Floating market

Cai Be

Located approx. 2 hours from Saigon, Cai Be offers the opportunity to explore a floating market with the sampan or to paddle through small canals. Bicycle tours offer the opportunity to discover the environment off the beaten track. Read more …

Ca Mau - Swamps, rivers and Mangrove forests

Ca Mau

In Ca Mau you can visit a large forest-swamp area (U Minh forest). The area is particularly interesting for nature and bird lovers. Read more …

Can Tho - Capital of the Mekong delta

Can Tho

Can Tho as the largest city in the Mekong delta has a lot to offer: sampan-cruises, several pagodas, the most beautiful hotel in the Mekong delta (Victoria Can Tho), the floating market in Cai Rang, an airport with direct flights to Phu Quoc, Rach Gia, Saigon and Hanoi. Read more …

Cao Lanh - Bird sanctuaries

Cao Lanh

Cao Lanh is a good starting point to explore the nearby bird sanctuary or the Tram Chim National Park. Also located in the Dong Thap province is the Plain of Reeds, which has been a hiding place for resistance fighters during war. Read more …

Chau Doc - Next to the border to Cambodia

Chau Doc

Chau Doc is the home town of many Khmer, Cham and Chinese and is situated near the Cambodian border. Especially worth seeing are the floating houses, the floating market, the Sam Mountain, and the bird sanctuary Tra Su (Tra Su Forest). Read more …

Cu Lao Gieng - An island in the Mekong delta

Cu Lao Gieng

The little island Cu Lao Gieng and its monastry in the Mekong was once an important convent which was built in the 19th century by French nuns. Read more …

Ha Tien - At the gulf of Thailand

Ha Tien

Ha Tien is a small town near the Cambodian border and impresses with its beautiful hilly bay, its beaches and its rocky coves. Worth visiting are the grave of Mac Cuu and the beautiful limestone formations. Read more …

Long Xuyen - An Giang province

Long Xuyen

The second largest city in the Mekong delta, Long Xuyen, impresses with colorful floating villages, as well as with a floating market and attractions such as the excavation site Oc Eo or the An Giang Museum. Read more …

My Tho - Gateway to the Mekong delta

My Tho

My Tho is easy reachable as a day trip from Saigon. Especially worth visiting are the river islands Con Tan Long, Con Lan, Con Qui and Con Phung. You can also find the oldest pagoda of the Mekong delta in My Tho: Chua Vinh Trang. Read more …

Rach Gia - Gateway to Phu Quoc

Rach Gia

Rach Gia is a charming harbour town in the Gulf of Siam. There are daily departures of speed boats to the holiday island Phu Quoc. The lively dock area and the different temples and pagodas are worth while sights. Read more …

Tan Chau - Silkcity

Tan Chau

Tan Chau, at the border to Cambodia, is mostly famous for its silk factories. A visit to the silk factory, in which the silk is still produced by using traditional looms is highly recommended. Read more …

Sa Dec - Charming colonial town

Sa Dec

Sa Dec is a beautiful place and the original setting of the novel “The Lover” by Marguerite Duras. Sa Dec is also famous for its flower gardens, which is why the place was already known as the “Garden of Cochin-China” in colonial times. Read more …

Soc Trang - Khmer culture

Soc Trang

Soc Trang is an exciting city for everybody, who wants to know more about the Khmer culture. The most popular pagoda (Chua Doi, bat pagoda) is quite close to the city. Soc Trang is also known for the Ok Om Bok Festival, which takes place in October/November. Read more …

Tra On - Idyllic town

Tra On

Tra On is close to Can Tho and is located at the mouth of a canal, which connects the Bassac with the Mang Thit river. In this idyllic city you can visit a small and relaxed floating market. Read more …

Tra Su Forest

Tra Su Forest

Tra Su is a swampland which is fringed by mangrove forests. It is located close to Chau Doc and home to a large variety of birds and other wildlife. Here you have the opportunity to take a round trip through the floating habitats. Read more …

Tra Vinh - Khmer temple

Tra Vinh

On a small peninsula, Tra Vinh impresses with some interesting Khmer relics. Especially the Hang Pagoda and the Ba Om lake are worth seeing. However the market, the Ong Met and the Ong Bon Pagoda are worth a visit too. Read more …

Vinh Long - numerous river islands

Vinh Long

In Vinh Long the Mekong splits up into many small canals. There are lots of fertile river islands and especially the island An Binh is very popular with tourists. Remarkable are also the numerous brick factories which look like huge beehives. Read more …

Xeo Quit

Xeo Quit

Xeo Quit is a former base of the Viet Cong. Today you can visit the jungle like forest by boat or by foot. Read more …